How to work with a Virtual Assistant
A VA is a freelance Executive/Personal Assistant
Your VA will support your business as well as other clients every day. We are not like full-time employees and are not available all day every day - even though it might sometimes feel like we are!
We work on multiple clients in any one day, usually doing a chunk of time for one, before moving on to the next.
You are billed by time, a bit like lawyers, and we click in and out of an online timesheet recording how much time we do for each person.
All businesses operate in their own unique way, and therefore in order to best work with our clients, we need to understand you and your business. We ask you to spend a little time looking at the areas you would like to outsource. By identifying key areas which take you the most time, are repetitive tasks, you don't like to do or you lack the skills in are a great place to start.
When you outsource, we will need access to your systems and potentially have a profile set up to work within your business. It helps both parties if you have this information on hand, e.g. logins and passwords.
It's also useful for you to set some time aside to run us through your systems and procedures as well as the position
you're currently at for ease of handover.
Your VA will need access to your diary and possibly your inbox depending on what you agree we will do.
What is most key is that in order to support you to the best of their ability, your VA needs good communication from you.
Therefore, we will ask you to meet us weekly or fortnightly for 15-30 minutes, please do your best to make these calls. The more you are able to tell us about your world, your clients, your internal commitments, the better we can help you prioritise and take things off your plate.
By offering VA support we help you focus your time where it is better spent and where it will have the most impact on your life.
Contact us to discover how we can help you.